Summary of our privacy policy

We’ve got a longer privacy policy written in legal-speak below, this is a summary of that, and a general overview of what we’re doing with personal information and data.

Hi Have You Eaten friends. Like many apps and websites, we’re collecting and using some of your data. We’d like to explain, as simply as we can, why we do that and what we’re collecting.

When you open our website or app we ask for your location. If you click yes, we’ll take note of that, and store that information temporarily on your device. Meanwhile, we assign each person a unique number, so we know how many different people are using the app, and some details of how they’re using it (we collect this info so we can figure out how to improve the app based on user experience). To help us do this, we use analytics tools called Amplitude and Sentry.Io. Those tools collect extra information (things like what device you’re using, your approximate location, and what language you use online). We’ve got their privacy policies linked below if you want to have a look.

Patreon supporters:

Patreon collects its own information, and we use some of that info to give you access to the map, and provide you with all the benefits we’ve promised. We also send some of that information to two apps: Zapier and Sendgrid. Zapier helps us link everything together and Sendgrid we use to send emails, like the one you got with your codes. With Zapier, the data is stored temporarily, and in Sendgrid it’s stored long term (that helps us know who would like to be emailed and who has unsubscribed). Their privacy policies are listed below as well.

If you filled out a survey:

All the details you put into our survey we have in a private Google spreadsheet. We’ve already used that to help us send you an email, give you access codes and, if you provided a phone number, we might reach out to you at some point to ask for some feedback on the app.


If you’ve come to us via social media, or if we’ve talked about some Patreon benefits or anything really. We might collect information manually in that instance, ie we may need your address to send a hamper or we might take your email down if you’ve typed it out to us on an Instagram message wanting to be on our newsletter.

We’ll be storing data we need to help you access and use the map, and help us improve it. If you haven’t used the map in over two years, any data we store will be automatically deleted. Data stored on other services, like the ones we mentioned above, have different data retention policies.

Whenever we use other apps to help us work, whether Amplitude, Patreon or a newsletter service, we’re only working with companies with good privacy policies - companies committed to upholding user privacy principles.

If you’re no longer using the map and you’d like us to remove your personal data, or if you’d like us to correct any info we might have, let us know at

Third-party privacy policies:

Privacy policy in full

We are Have You Eaten Sydney (ABN 41540627327) (“HYE”). Protecting your privacy is important to us.  This policy sets out how we manage your personal information (as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

What personal information does HYE collect?

The kinds of personal information that we collect and hold about you may include:

Without this information we may not be able to provide you with our products or services (or with all the features and functionality of our products or services) or to respond to queries or requests that you submit to us.

How does HYE collect personal information?

We collect personal information about you in the following ways:

In some cases we may be required by law to collect certain types of personal information about you.

Where we collect personal information from you, we will generally do so directly ourselves.  However, in some cases we may collect personal information from a third party, such as through your representatives, contractors who provide services to us, or third parties who refer you to us because they think you may be interested in our products or services.

For what purpose does HYE collect and use your personal information?

We use personal information that we collect about you for the following purposes:

We may from time to time use your personal information in order to send you marketing materials about products or services that we think you may be interested in (including in some cases products and services that are provided by a third party).  

Our range of products and services and our functions and activities may change from time to time.

If you provide your email address, social media account details, telephone and/or mobile phone number, you also consent to HYE using your email address, social media account details, telephone and/or mobile phone number to contact you (including by telephone call, SMS, through social media or email) for any of the above purposes.

You can opt-out of receiving marketing, or any other communications from us by contacting us at or following the “unsubscribe” link in the communication.

We may also use and disclose your information for other purposes as authorised by you, or in accordance with your requests and instructions.

Who will HYE disclose your personal information to?

To carry out the above purposes, we may share personal information about you with:

We may share a unique identifier, device metadata and information about your use of our services with:

In some cases the people to whom we disclose your personal information may be located overseas and may be subject to different privacy regimes.  The countries in which these people are likely to be located include:

In the event HYE transfers your personal information outside Australia, we will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act that relate to transborder data flows.


We use cookies to monitor and observe your use of our websites, compile aggregate data about that use, and provide you with a more effective service (which may include customising parts of our websites based on your preferences and past activities on those websites).  “Cookies'' are small text files created and stored on your hard drive by our internet browser software, in order to hold relevant information about the web page you are currently viewing.  Most internet browsers have a facility that will allow you to disable cookies altogether – please refer to your browser’s help menu to find out how to do this.  While you will still be able to browse our websites with cookies disabled on your browser, some website functionality may not be available or may not function correctly.

Aggregated data

We may compile aggregate data about the use of our services. Information about how you use a service may be collected and combined with information about how others use the service. Aggregate data helps us understand trends and our users' needs so that we can develop and improve our services. We may share anonymised aggregate information with advertisers and partners. This policy does not limit our collection and use of aggregate information that does not identify any individual.

How does HYE store and keep secure my personal information?

We take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your personal information which we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date.  These steps include promptly updating personal information when we are advised that the information has changed, checking our contact lists for accuracy, and providing individuals with a simple means to update their personal information.

We store personal information for a maximum of two years. During that time the information is stored for as long as needed for the purpose for which it was collected or as required by law.  We generally store the personal information that we collect in electronic databases, some of which may be held on our behalf by third party data storage providers. Sometimes we also keep hard copy records of this personal information in physical storage facilities.  We use a range of physical and technical security processes and procedures to protect the confidentiality and security of the information that we hold, and we update these from time to time to address new and emerging security threats.

All of the third party services we engage with, who collect and store your information, are companies committed to upholding user privacy principles.

We will never sell your personal information to any third party.

HYE will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information that is held which is no longer required, including under any contractual or legal requirement, is destroyed or de-identified in a secure manner.

How can I access, delete, or correct my personal information held by HYE?

If you want to access any of the personal information that we hold about you or if you want to correct or delete some aspect or all of it, please contact us using the contact details below.  To protect the integrity and security of the information we hold, we may ask that you follow a defined access procedure, which may include steps to verify your identity.  In certain cases we may charge you an administration fee for providing you with access to the information you have asked for, but will inform you of this before proceeding.  There may be cases where we are unable to provide the information you request such as where it would interfere with the privacy of others or result in a breach of confidentiality.  In these cases we will let you know why we cannot comply with your request.

Please note that we may be unable to delete information that we need to comply with applicable laws, detect or prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, assist with or process claims, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigation, comply with audits and investigation, enforce our Membership Agreements and Policies and take other actions reasonably necessary, permitted, or required by applicable law. There may also be residual information that will remain within our databases and other records, which will not be removed.

How can I make a complaint to HYE about the use of my personal information?

If you have any concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by us, please advise us of your concern or complaint in writing and send it to us using the contact details set out below. Your concern or complaint will be considered or investigated.

It is our intention to use our best endeavours to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction. However, if you are unhappy with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who may investigate your complaint further.

Further information

Further information about the application of the Privacy Act can be found at the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

The privacy policies of any third party services we use are listed below:

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective from 26/02/2021. As this Privacy Policy is updated from time to time, to obtain a copy of the latest version at any time, you should visit our website at or contact us using the contact details set out below.

Conflict of information

If there are conflicting statements or pieces of information in this privacy policy and the “Summary of Our Privacy Policy” written above, this privacy policy takes precedence in all circumstances.

Contact details

If you need to contact us or want any further information from us on privacy matters, please contact our privacy manager at